The filmmakers reached out to the church and submitted questions via email but did not receive comment. He pled guilty to three charges concerning the sexual abuse of children has been sentenced to a maximum 16 years and eight months in jail.
#Unveiled tv show pagan series
The series culminates in the events leading up to the 2019 arrest of the current Apostle, Naasón Joaquín García and his trial. They are said to be appointed by “divine revelation.” Former members have come forward to describe how the Apostles built and maintained a system to procure and groom children for abuse. Joaquín Gonzalez was succeeded by his son and then grandson, all three - known as “Apostles” - served as head of the organizations. LLDM was founded in 1926 by Aarón Joaquín Gonzalez. “First and foremost, I want people who watch this film to become aware of what is happening.” Hollywood would do well to address this.“It amazes me how many people have not heard of this organization,” she says. In short, I want a character who is like me.
#Unveiled tv show pagan full
Where are all the characters who just happen to be Pagan, or who just happen to celebrate every full moon by honoring Selene? I’d like more real life characters who share some of my spiritual aspects without the powers.

However, there’s a dearth of non-supernatural pagan characters in media. These shows do a good job by digging into the characters’ strengths and weaknesses and portraying them beyond their stereotypes. Likewise, the trans woman in Sense8 is marvelous as well. For example, the Muslim woman on Orange Is The New Black is a ground-breaking character, wearing her hijab and having real-life conflicts. It’s great that there are more diverse main characters in media lately. Let’s put aside fantasy shows for a moment to talk about diversity. They’d do well to have a pagan/Wiccan consultant on the staff to at least try to get it right. They just want to make stories about whatever is hot. Hollywood doesn’t seem to care about the numerous things they get wrong about our religions. Wiccan and Pagan Shows + Movies on Hulu and Netflix Right Now If non-pagan shows are labeled as “pagan,” the answer is yes.Ĭonsider the Netflix landing page for “Wiccan and Pagan Shows.” The featured media includes The Craft, Supernatural, Charmed, and Grimm. If non-pagans are making shows about pagans, the answer is yes. I also don’t appreciate that there are few celebrations of pagan holidays, moon phases, or anything else that real life pagans do, which is dismissed because it gets in the way of a plot. I don’t appreciate the proximity of “evil beings” to our religion, either. These stories have all the charm and glamor of a real-life pagan, but fall short in the long run because they usually aren’t spiritual at all.Ĭommunion with the gods is shoved aside for cheaper plots, usually having to deal with someone becoming evil. The shows and movies are about the flashy exterior, aka witch-chic (which isn’t as new as some people like to believe).

Modern supernatural media about witches and pagans is severely lacking in what I feel is the most essential part of being pagan: a spiritual connection with the gods. Where Are The Gods In These “Pagan” Stories? Why not sensationalize them with supernatural effects? Why do our religions have to withstand this mockery and others don’t? This connection of pagan practices and witchcraft to phony-looking sparkles in the air raises a bigger question… Why are there are no other major religions showcased as being supernatural 99% of the time in modern media? Why are pagans singled out as the magic-makers? Christians and many other faiths believe they can influence reality with prayer. The different lies in CGI, or lack thereof. We believe our energy work, offerings, and requests can affect reality, if the gods will it. I admit that our spiritualities and religions do have magical aspects. Our rituals, energy work, and magic have become “entertainment.” In other words, our religions are the fodder to sensationalize television shows and develop plots. Hollywood is guilty of sensationalizing witches and pagans with fantasy aspects. The fictionalization and sensationalization of something so real and dear to my heart made them wholly unappealing. I didn’t like the way they showcased people of my spirituality as having supernatural powers. I was a pagan at the time, but those stories didn’t appeal to me. I was late to the Harry Potter fandom, and I didn’t even watch The Craft until last year.

When Buffy was on television, I was busy, enrolled in 20 credit hours. Unlike many people in my generation, I didn’t watch Charmed.